Busy Doing Nothing (Extra!)

Yes, yes. As a few of you pointed out I STILL haven’t loaded on all the new copper findings and Miyuki Rocailles AND it has been a while since I blogged. AND the December newsletter isn’t out yet.

I have been terribly busy doing nothing. Well, we have been dealing with the Christmas rush and out visiting and helping customers in their beading endeavors. But I haven’t had any time to do the extras. I wish I had some dedicated staff to deal with all the ‘peripherals’ of the business at this busy selling time. But that is one of the hazards of being a new business manager:) We are so busy but are not at the stage of being able to hire staff. So please be patient! I will try and get everything updated by the end of the week.

Note to self: In future DO NOT order new stock in during the months of November and December.

While you are waiting, have a sneak peek of the new Bali Style Genuine Copper-so yummy and such a great price! We love it already and know you will too.

(Originally published December 8, 2009)

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